
Yeoman generator for ProtractorJS projects. Generates new project with ProtractorJS using most modern and shiny approaches.

No Maintenance Intended

This library is deprecated and won’t be updated in future, since protractor support is ending as well:

generator-modern-protractor NPM version Dependency Status

Yeoman generator for ProtractorJS projects. Generates new project with ProtractorJS using most modern and shiny approaches.

Whats inside?

Installation and generation of project

First, install Yeoman and generator-modern-protractor using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-modern-protractor

Make new folder for your project, and open it:

mkdir my-shiny-automation-project
cd my-shiny-automation-project

Then generate your new project (will be unpacked in current location, no subfolder):

yo modern-protractor

Follow instructions that will appear in terminal, to provide project name and baseUrl properties.

After generation, dependencies should be installed automatically, chromedriver downloaded and super-simple test will be executed. If everyting is passed correctly - you are good to go! Open README.MD in newly generated project and follow its instructions.

Feel free to learn more about Yeoman.