
This module adds some matchers that will be useful for those who develop test cases with ProtractorJS

View the Project on GitHub Xotabu4/jasmine-protractor-matchers

No Maintenance Intended

This library is deprecated and won’t be updated in future, since protractor support is ending as well: https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/5502

JasmineJS matchers for ProtractorJS

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This module adds some matchers that can be useful for those who develop test cases with ProtractorJS and Jasmine

Supported versions

Currently tested on NodeJS:


Jasmine 3.x not supported yet. Protractor 6.x is deprecated and won’t be supported

PRs are welcome!

Typings for TypeScript are included


npm install jasmine-protractor-matchers --save-dev

Importing and enabling

I prefer to add matchers in beforeEach function, that I put into onPrepare:

In your protractor.config.js:

onPrepare: function() {
    var protractorMatchers = require('jasmine-protractor-matchers');
    beforeEach(function() {
        //Some code that needs to be executed before every test.

But you can also include matchers only in those specs where it is needed, just ensure that you are adding matchers before ‘it’ function:


var protractorMatchers = require('jasmine-protractor-matchers');
describe('Some test suite', function () {
    beforeEach(function() {
    it('some testcase', function () {
        //test code here


To import matchers - use this format import matchers = require('jasmine-protractor-matchers');:

Add to jasmine somewhere:

// On top of file:
import matchers = require('jasmine-protractor-matchers')

onPrepare: ()=> {
    beforeEach(()=> {
        //Some code that needs to be executed before every test.

Now TypeScript compiler will know that we have extended jasmine module with additional matchers.


Usage is pretty simple, since no any rocket science under hood. After matchers are added to jasmine, you have new functions to use:

it('test 1', function () {
    //Pass ElementFinder object (single element returned by protractor after search) into expect function
    expect($('html')).toAppear(); //Matcher will wait for element for 3 seconds if no parameters provided.

it('test 2', function () {
    expect($('div.slowelement')).toAppear(10000); //Waiting for 10 seconds untill failing test.

it('test 2', function () {
    expect(browser.element(by.id('login')).toAppear(1000, 'Login button should be visible after page open'); 
    //You can provide custom exception message, instead default message.


If you disabled Promise manager (Control Flow), and you use async/await, just put await for your expect call:

it('async/await', async function () {
    await browser.get('http://www.myangularapplication.com');
    await expect($('html')).toAppear(); 

List of matchers


toAppear(timeout?: number, custom_error_message?: string): boolean;

Matcher for asserting that element is present and visible. Should be applied to ElementFinder object only.

@param {number} timeout Timeout to wait for appear of element in milliseconds. Default is 3000 milliseconds

@param {string} custom_error_message Custom error message to throw on assertion failure. Default message is - Element ELEMENT_LOCATOR was expected to be shown in TIMEOUT milliseconds but is NOT visible

expect($('body')).toAppear(5000) // Will wait for 5 seconds for element to be visible
expect($('body')).toAppear('body element should appear!') // Will wait for 3 seconds for element to be displayed, and throw your custom error message if not

expect($('.popup')).not.toAppear()  // Same as maching with .toDisappear()


toDisappear(timeout?: number, custom_error_message?: string): boolean;

Matcher for asserting that element is not visible on the page. Should be applied to ElementFinder object only.

@param {number} timeout Timeout to wait for to disappear of element in milliseconds. Default is 3000 milliseconds

@param {string} custom_error_message Custom error message to throw on assertion failure. Default message is - Element ELEMENT_LOCATOR was expected NOT to be shown in TIMEOUT milliseconds but is visible

expect($('.popup')).toDisappear(5000) // Will wait for 5 seconds for element to be visible
expect($('.popup')).toDisappear('body element should appear!') // Will wait for 3 seconds for element to be displayed, and throw your custom error message if not

expect($('body')).not.toDisappear() // Same as maching with .toAppear()


toHaveClass(classname:string, timeout?: number, custom_error_message?: string): boolean;

Matcher for asserting that element class attribute has specified class name. Does not require element to be present or displayed - this states won’t throw exceptions, only wait timeout can happen if element not present.

Should be applied to ElementFinder object only.

@param {string} classname Class name to assert in attribute ‘class’. Required.

@param {number} timeout Timeout to wait for to disappear of element in milliseconds. Default is 3000 milliseconds

@param {string} custom_error_message Custom error message to throw on assertion failure. Default message is - Element ${argsObj.elem.locator()} was expected to have class "${argsObj.className}" in ${argsObj.timeout} milliseconds, but it doesnt


For example - we have elementFinder for webelement <div #niceelement class='hello worlds active'></div>

let someMustBeClass:string = 'hello'
expect($('#niceelement')).toHaveClass(someMustBeClass, 5000) // Will wait for 5 seconds for element to be visible
expect($('#niceelement')).toHaveClass(someMustBeClass, `Our nice element should have class ${someMustBeClass}`) // Will wait for 3 seconds for element to have class, and throw your custom error message if not

expect($('#niceelement')).not.toHaveClass('inactive', `Our nice element should not be inactive`)

Your feedback is important!

Please don’t be shy to give a star, create a bug, or feature\pull request!

Used documentation



